The Math & Science Learning Center is a unique resource for students in the sciences. We are committed to providing support services for University students and outreach programs for K-12 students. Special to the MSLC are the hands-on interdisciplinary science demonstrations and activities. Instrumental to our success are the contributions made by our student managers and employees. The MSLC offers
- Formal and informal course support.
- Course materials on reserve (back exams, handouts, microscope slides, videotapes etc...)
- Biology Study Room with microscopes and models.
- A computer lab with internet access.
- Quiet places to study.
- Instructor-led group tutoring and review sessions.
Mission Statement
The mission of the MSLC is to support and provide a focal point for STEM education and outreach programs. As a site for undergraduate STEM education, the MSLC supports research-based educational support activities, including course transformations and development of innovative courses, providing facilities and a central space to bring faculty with an interest in innovative teaching together. The MSLC provides public outreach programs to K12 students and teachers, promotes collaboration among outreach programs across the university, and fosters the development of programming which brings together the educational expertise and rich array of research initiatives of faculty and graduate students in the STEM disciplines. In both undergraduate and outreach activities, the MSLC develops programming to broaden participation in the STEM disciplines, especially of female and underrepresented minority students.